To us it doesn't make sense to ship upcycled products to the other side of the world, so we decided to ship only in the EU. Contact us if you look for a local business in your area.


Different styles of handbags with loads of similarities. The small "Tango" is a more elegant handbag that will look great on you at a night out, a party, in the marina, or golf club. The "Echo" is a more sporty duffel style purse you can carry on your shoulders or as a handbag, perfect for a day out or when you need to carry more stuff in a flamboyant way. They are all made from repurposed sailcloth and canvas, are unique, have internal pockets and lining, and made with love for the eco-fashionista.
  1. Venta
  1. Venta
  1. Venta